Lunar occultations of stars in 2024

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Lunar occultations in 2024 of stars brighter than apparent magnitude +4 predicted to be visible from Rocky Gap State Park, Flintstone, Allegany, Maryland, United States of America (USA).  Data is from the International Occultation and Timing Association (IOTA) Occultation Prediction Software (Occult).


Occultation prediction for Rocky Gap Maryland State Park
E. Longitude - 78 38 34.6,  Latitude  39 42 24.2,  Alt.  359m;  Telescope dia 13cm;  dMag 4.0

       day  Time     P   Star  Sp  Mag  Mag    % Elon Sun  Moon   CA   PA  VA  AA Libration   A   B   RV    Cct durn  R.A. (J2000)  Dec   Mdist   SV
 y   m  d  h  m   s       No  D     v    r V  ill     Alt Alt Az   o    o   o   o   L    B   m/o m/o  "/s     o  sec  h  m   s    o  m  s   Mm   m/s
24 Jan  8 10 38  6.3 R    2349SB1  2.9     v  11-  40      6 130  23N 341  22 333 -5.9 +5.4 -0.4-1.1 .328  132.5     16 21 11.3 -25 35 34 379.0 892.0
   R2349 = Al Niyat = sigma Scorpii
      2349 is quadruple: Aa1,2 3.3 4.1 0.004"  42.7, dT = -0.01sec : Aa,Ab 3.06 5.24 0.42" 207.7, dT = +0.9sec : AB 2.9 8.4 20.3" 273.1, dT = -23sec
      2349 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      2349 = sig Sco, 2.86 to 2.94, V, Type BCEP, Period 0.246839 days, Phase  43%
24 Jan  8 14 29 22.0 D    2366dM1  1.1  0.1v  11-  38  16 24 179 -78N  81  82  73 -6.5 +5.8 +2.3+0.2 .336   27.7 .13 16 29 24.5 -26 25 55 376.1 692.9
   R2366 = Antares = alpha Scorpii
      2366 is double: AB 1.0 5.4 2.5" 277.7, dT = -7sec
      2366 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      2366 = alf Sco, 0.75 to 1.21, V, Type SRC, Period 2180. days, Phase  41%
24 Jan  8 15 45  6.3 R    2366dM1  1.1  0.1v  10-  38  24 22 197  51N 312 297 304 -6.7 +5.9 +1.9-1.3 .337  152.1 .13 16 29 24.5 -26 25 55 376.0 694.5
   R2366 = Antares = alpha Scorpii
      2366 is double: AB 1.0 5.4 2.5" 277.7, dT = -6sec
      2366 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      2366 = alf Sco, 0.75 to 1.21, V, Type SRC, Period 2180. days, Phase  41%
24 Feb 26  9 44  4.3 d    1712SF8  3.6  3.3   97- 160     34 239 -16S 185 143 163 -1.8 -1.5 -0.3-3.3 .214  -56.7     11 50 41.7   1 45 53 402.5 762.8
   R1712 = Zavijava = beta Virginis
      1712 is triple: AB 3.7 11.6 337" 286.2, dT = -317sec : AC 3.7 9.6 406"  78.5, dT = -528sec
24 Feb 26 10 23 33.7 R    1712SF8  3.6  3.3   97- 160     27 247  48S 249 204 227 -1.9 -1.4 +1.8-0.9 .225 -123.3     11 50 41.7   1 45 53 403.2 801.4
   R1712 = Zavijava = beta Virginis
      1712 is triple: AB 3.7 11.6 337" 286.2, dT = -1195sec : AC 3.7 9.6 406"  78.5, dT = +1784sec
24 Mar  3  7 36  4   Gr   2366dM1  1.1  0.1v  53-  93     11 ** GRAZE: CA-14.9N; Dist.150km in az. 221deg. [Lat = 37.91-0.67(E.Long+78.64)]
24 Mar  3  7 37 14   M    2366dM1  1.1  0.1v  53-  93      9 136 -14N  24  61  16 -7.2 +6.1 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0     16 29 24.5 -26 25 55 387.3 825.8
   R2366 = Antares = alpha Scorpii
      2366 is double: AB 1.0 5.4 2.5" 277.7
      2366 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      2366 = alf Sco, 0.75 to 1.21, V, Type SRC, Period 2180. days, Phase  44%
24 May 18  5 33 12.2 D    1712SF8  3.6  3.3   75+ 120     22 253  70S 134  86 112 -0.1 -1.2 +0.5-2.1 .422   -9.5     11 50 41.7   1 45 53 402.2 834.2
   R1712 = Zavijava = beta Virginis
      1712 is triple: AB 3.7 11.6 337" 286.2, dT = -709sec : AC 3.7 9.6 406"  78.5, dT = +549sec
24 May 18  6 38  7.0 r    1712SF8  3.6  3.3   75+ 120      9 264 -88S 291 241 269 -0.2 -1.1 +0.3-1.8 .462 -170.5     11 50 41.7   1 45 53 403.5 915.8
   R1712 = Zavijava = beta Virginis
      1712 is triple: AB 3.7 11.6 337" 286.2, dT = -727sec : AC 3.7 9.6 406"  78.5, dT = +739sec
24 May 24  1 37  8.7 d    2366dM1  1.1  0.1v 100- 172 -12  4 129  -4N  49  91  41 -4.5 +6.1 +2.3+3.7 .206   64.0 .21 16 29 24.5 -26 25 55 388.5 884.3
   R2366 = Antares = alpha Scorpii
      2366 is double: AB 1.0 5.4 2.5" 277.7, dT = -8sec
      2366 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      2366 = alf Sco, 0.75 to 1.21, V, Type SRC, Period 2180. days, Phase  48%
24 May 24  1 53 22   Gr   2366dM1  1.1  0.1v  99- 172      5 ** GRAZE: CA 21.9N; Dist.199km in az.  39deg. [Lat = 42.01-0.62(E.Long+78.64)]
   Distance of 2366 to Terminator = 1.7"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
24 May 24  2  6 22.5 R    2366dM1  1.1  0.1v  99- 172      8 134  47N 357  35 349 -4.5 +6.1 -1.2-2.5 .197  116.0 .22 16 29 24.5 -26 25 55 387.9 844.9
   R2366 = Antares = alpha Scorpii
      2366 is double: AB 1.0 5.4 2.5" 277.7, dT = -2.4sec
      2366 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      2366 = alf Sco, 0.75 to 1.21, V, Type SRC, Period 2180. days, Phase  48%
   Distance of 2366 to Terminator = 5.3"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
24 Jul 11 19 24 15.0 D    1712SF8  3.6  3.3   31+  67  58 40 131  61S 143 178 121 +0.8 -1.2 +1.0-1.1 .361  -13.5     11 50 41.7   1 45 53 400.1 720.6
   R1712 = Zavijava = beta Virginis
      1712 is triple: AB 3.7 11.6 337" 286.3, dT = -753sec : AC 3.7 9.6 406"  78.5, dT = +491sec
24 Jul 11 20 45 25.4 r    1712SF8  3.6  3.3   31+  68  43 50 156 -84N 299 317 277 +0.5 -1.0 +1.8-0.7 .343 -166.8     11 50 41.7   1 45 53 399.4 681.9
   R1712 = Zavijava = beta Virginis
      1712 is triple: AB 3.7 11.6 337" 286.3, dT = -960sec : AC 3.7 9.6 406"  78.5, dT = +902sec
24 Jul 14  3 23 35.2 D    1925SB1  1.0  1.1v  52+  92     13 244  88N 109  65  89 -3.4 +2.4 +0.9-1.8 .406    8.4     13 25 11.6 -11  9 41 400.9 798.6
   R1925 = Spica = alpha Virginis
      1925 is multiple: Aa,Ab 1.3 4.5 0.10"       : Aa,Ac 1.3 7.5 0.50"       : AB 1.0 12.0 154"  33.0, dT = +89sec : AC 1.0 10.5 368"  60.8, dT = +599sec
      1925 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      1925 = alf Vir, 0.96 to 1.00, V, Type ELL+BCEP, Period 4.0145 days, Phase  77%
24 Jul 14  4 31 59.2 r    1925SB1  1.0  1.1v  52+  92      0 255 -79N 303 253 282 -3.5 +2.5 +0.4-2.0 .450  171.8     13 25 11.6 -11  9 41 402.2 886.8
   R1925 = Spica = alpha Virginis
      1925 is multiple: Aa,Ab 1.3 4.5 0.10"       : Aa,Ac 1.3 7.5 0.50"       : AB 1.0 12.0 154"  33.0, dT = +2.1sec : AC 1.0 10.5 368"  60.8, dT = +386sec
      1925 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      1925 = alf Vir, 0.96 to 1.00, V, Type ELL+BCEP, Period 4.0145 days, Phase  77%
24 Sep  6 15 32 17.6 D    1925SB1  1.0  1.1v  11+  40  50 14 118  40S 164 208 143 -1.5 +2.3 -0.1-1.4 .343  -37.8     13 25 11.6 -11  9 41 404.2 851.8
   R1925 = Spica = alpha Virginis
      1925 is multiple: Aa,Ab 1.3 4.5 0.10"       : Aa,Ac 1.3 7.5 0.50"       : AB 1.0 12.0 154"  33.0, dT = -291sec : AC 1.0 10.5 368"  60.8, dT = -237sec
      1925 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      1925 = alf Vir, 0.96 to 1.00, V, Type ELL+BCEP, Period 4.0145 days, Phase  38%
24 Sep  6 16 29  5.2 R    1925SB1  1.0  1.1v  12+  40  55 23 129 -66S 270 308 250 -1.6 +2.4 +1.6+1.4 .319 -142.2     13 25 11.6 -11  9 41 403.2 788.3
   R1925 = Spica = alpha Virginis
      1925 is multiple: Aa,Ab 1.3 4.5 0.10"       : Aa,Ac 1.3 7.5 0.50"       : AB 1.0 12.0 154"  33.0, dT = +260sec : AC 1.0 10.5 368"  60.8, dT = +1005sec
      1925 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      1925 = alf Vir, 0.96 to 1.00, V, Type ELL+BCEP, Period 4.0145 days, Phase  38%
24 Sep 10  0  0 42.6 D    2287SB1  2.9  3.0v  37+  75  -6 18 209  30S 163 138 152 -6.6 +6.6 +1.9-2.8 .180  -58.7     15 58 51.1 -26  6 51 395.2 666.4
   R2287 = pi Scorpii
      2287 is triple: Aa,Ab 5.1 13.4 2.0" 244.0, dT = +1.7sec : AB 2.9 11.9 50" 128.2, dT = +230sec
      2287 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      2287 = pi Sco, 2.88 to 2.91, V, Type ELL, Period 1.570103 days, Phase  54%
24 Sep 10  0 43 11.4 R    2287SB1  2.9  3.0v  38+  76     14 218 -30S 223 191 212 -6.7 +6.6 +1.2+0.3 .189 -121.2     15 58 51.1 -26  6 51 395.5 699.4
   R2287 = pi Scorpii
      2287 is triple: Aa,Ab 5.1 13.4 2.0" 244.0, dT = -10sec : AB 2.9 11.9 50" 128.2, dT = +22sec
      2287 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      2287 = pi Sco, 2.88 to 2.91, V, Type ELL, Period 1.570103 days, Phase  54%
24 Sep 22 10  8 42.5 D     537SB6  3.7  3.8s  75- 120 -11 68 231 -55N  40 358  51 +6.2 -5.2 +1.6+1.8 .351   30.7      3 44 52.5  24  6 48 363.8 721.3
   R537 = Electra = 17 Tauri
       537 is multiple: ** 3.9 7.5 0.20" 117.0, dT = +0.12sec : Aa,Ac 3.9 7.5 0.20"       : Aa,Ab 3.9 7.0 25.6"       : AB 3.7 13.0 98" 144.0, dT = -69sec
       537 has been reported as non-instantaneous (OCc1693). Observations are highly desired
       537 = NSV 15755, 3.70, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type SPB, Period 1.1073 days
24 Sep 22 11 14 54.5 R     537SB6  3.7  3.8s  75- 120   2 57 253  60N 285 231 297 +6.0 -5.3 +1.6-1.7 .367  149.2      3 44 52.5  24  6 48 364.7 754.5
   R537 = Electra = 17 Tauri
       537 is multiple: ** 3.9 7.5 0.20" 117.0, dT = +0.5sec : Aa,Ac 3.9 7.5 0.20"       : Aa,Ab 3.9 7.0 25.6"       : AB 3.7 13.0 98" 144.0, dT = +209sec
       537 has been reported as non-instantaneous (OCc1693). Observations are highly desired
       537 = NSV 15755, 3.70, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type SPB, Period 1.1073 days
24 Sep 22 11 24  0.4 D     552SB7  2.9  2.9s  75- 120   3 55 255 -84S  81  26  92 +6.0 -5.3 +1.6-0.6 .427   -5.7      3 47 29.1  24  6 18 364.8 758.9
   R552 = Alcyone = eta Tauri
       552 is multiple: Aa,Ab 3.0 4.6            : AB     1.6 0.031" 207.1, dT = -0.04sec : AE 2.8 15.0 78" 232.4, dT = -162sec : AB 2.8 6.3 118" 291.1, dT = -238sec
       552 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       552 = NSV 15775, 2.87, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type ROT+SPB, Period 2.2925 days
24 Sep 22 12 19 48.9 d     560SB8  3.6  3.7s  75- 119  14 45 266 -53S 113  55 124 +5.9 -5.3 +1.0-2.2 .376  -34.6      3 49  9.7  24  3 12 365.7 809.6
   R560 = Atlas = 27 Tauri
       560 is multiple: Aa1,2 3.8 5.5 0.008" 188.2, dT = +0.01sec : Aa,Ab 3.8 6.8 0.22" 336.2, dT = -0.42sec : AC 3.6 15.0 50"  36.5, dT = +32sec : AH 3.6 16.0 68" 221.7, dT = -59sec
       560 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       560 = NSV 1345, 3.63, range 0.00, 9Kp, Type SPB, Period 2.4266 days
24 Sep 22 12 36 59.9 R     552SB7  2.9  2.9s  74- 119  17 41 269  88S 253 195 265 +5.9 -5.3 +1.1-0.6 .466 -174.5      3 47 29.1  24  6 18 366.1 831.2
   R552 = Alcyone = eta Tauri
       552 is multiple: Aa,Ab 3.0 4.6            : AB     1.6 0.031" 207.1, dT = -0.05sec : AE 2.8 15.0 78" 232.4, dT = -157sec : AB 2.8 6.3 118" 291.1, dT = -199sec
       552 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       552 = NSV 15775, 2.87, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type ROT+SPB, Period 2.2925 days
24 Sep 22 13 17  8.1 R     560SB8  3.6  3.7s  74- 119  24 34 275  60S 226 168 237 +5.8 -5.3 +1.1+0.4 .408 -145.5      3 49  9.7  24  3 12 366.9 880.2
   R560 = Atlas = 27 Tauri
       560 is multiple: Aa1,2 3.8 5.5 0.008" 188.2, dT = -0.01sec : Aa,Ab 3.8 6.8 0.22" 336.2, dT = +0.19sec : AC 3.6 15.0 50"  36.5, dT = +121sec : AH 3.6 16.0 68" 221.7, dT = -167sec
       560 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       560 = NSV 1345, 3.63, range 0.00, 9Kp, Type SPB, Period 2.4266 days
24 Nov 16  7 14 32.3 d     537SB6  3.7  3.8s 100- 173     61 247 -69N  19 328  30 +3.1 -5.2 +1.5+3.3 .256   54.6      3 44 52.5  24  6 48 357.4 765.0
   R537 = Electra = 17 Tauri
       537 is multiple: ** 3.9 7.5 0.20" 117.0, dT = -0.11sec : Aa,Ac 3.9 7.5 0.20"       : Aa,Ab 3.9 7.0 25.7"       : AB 3.7 13.0 98" 144.0, dT = -223sec
       537 has been reported as non-instantaneous (OCc1693). Observations are highly desired
       537 = NSV 15755, 3.70, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type SPB, Period 1.1073 days
24 Nov 16  7 34 53   Gr    537SB6  3.7  3.8s 100- 173     55 ** GRAZE: CA-33.1N; Dist.319km in az.   0deg. [Lat = 42.58-0.01(E.Long+78.64)]
24 Nov 16  7 56 18.1 r     537SB6  3.7  3.8s 100- 173     53 257   1N 310 254 322 +3.1 -5.2 +1.3-3.6 .265  125.4      3 44 52.5  24  6 48 358.0 794.7
   R537 = Electra = 17 Tauri
       537 is multiple: ** 3.9 7.5 0.20" 117.0, dT = +0.7sec : Aa,Ac 3.9 7.5 0.20"       : Aa,Ab 3.9 7.0 25.7"       : AB 3.7 13.0 98" 144.0, dT = +360sec
       537 has been reported as non-instantaneous (OCc1693). Observations are highly desired
       537 = NSV 15755, 3.70, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type SPB, Period 1.1073 days
   Distance of 537 to Terminator = 0.0"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
24 Nov 16  8 15  6.6 D     552SB7  2.9  2.9s 100- 173     50 261 -71S  61   4  73 +3.0 -5.2 +1.4+0.1 .448   15.6      3 47 29.1  24  6 18 358.2 809.1
   R552 = Alcyone = eta Tauri
       552 is multiple: Aa,Ab 3.0 4.6            : AB     1.6 0.031" 207.1, dT = -0.06sec : AE 2.8 15.0 78" 232.4, dT = -173sec : AB 2.8 6.3 118" 291.1, dT = -168sec
       552 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       552 = NSV 15775, 2.87, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type ROT+SPB, Period 2.2925 days
24 Nov 16  8 59 49.1 d     560SB8  3.6  3.7s 100- 173     42 268 -45S  89  31 100 +3.0 -5.2 +1.0-1.1 .484  -10.0      3 49  9.7  24  3 12 359.0 855.0
   R560 = Atlas = 27 Tauri
       560 is multiple: Aa1,2 3.8 5.5 0.015" 160.7, dT = +0.01sec : Aa,Ab 3.8 6.8 0.22" 336.1, dT = -0.17sec : AC 3.6 15.0 50"  36.4, dT = +63sec : AH 3.6 16.0 68" 221.7, dT = -96sec
       560 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       560 = NSV 1345, 3.63, range 0.00, 9Kp, Type SPB, Period 2.4266 days
24 Nov 16  9 20 41.5 R     552SB7  2.9  2.9s 100- 173     38 272  39N 275 218 287 +3.0 -5.2 +0.8-1.4 .487  164.2      3 47 29.1  24  6 18 359.4 882.6
   R552 = Alcyone = eta Tauri
       552 is multiple: Aa,Ab 3.0 4.6            : AB     1.6 0.031" 207.1, dT = -0.02sec : AE 2.8 15.0 78" 232.4, dT = -118sec : AB 2.8 6.3 118" 291.1, dT = -232sec
       552 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       552 = NSV 15775, 2.87, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type ROT+SPB, Period 2.2925 days
   Distance of 552 to Terminator = 3.1"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
24 Nov 16 10  3 45.8 R     560SB8  3.6  3.7s 100- 172     30 278  65N 251 194 263 +2.9 -5.2 +0.7-0.6 .529 -170.2      3 49  9.7  24  3 12 360.2 938.9
   R560 = Atlas = 27 Tauri
       560 is multiple: Aa1,2 3.8 5.5 0.015" 160.7, dT = 0.00sec : Aa,Ab 3.8 6.8 0.22" 336.1, dT = -0.04sec : AC 3.6 15.0 50"  36.4, dT = +77sec : AH 3.6 16.0 68" 221.7, dT = -112sec
       560 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       560 = NSV 1345, 3.63, range 0.00, 9Kp, Type SPB, Period 2.4266 days
   Distance of 560 to Terminator = 6.7"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.1"
24 Nov 27 10 32 55.7 D    1925SB1  1.0  1.1v  13-  42     18 122 -70S 130 172 110 +0.7 +2.6 +0.6-0.1 .422   -3.5     13 25 11.6 -11  9 41 402.9 825.9
   R1925 = Spica = alpha Virginis
      1925 is multiple: Aa,Ab 1.3 4.5 0.10"       : Aa,Ac 1.3 7.5 0.50"       : AB 1.0 12.0 154"  33.0, dT = -45sec : AC 1.0 10.5 368"  60.8, dT = +309sec
      1925 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      1925 = alf Vir, 0.96 to 1.00, V, Type ELL+BCEP, Period 4.0145 days, Phase  75%
24 Nov 27 11 46 29.9 R    1925SB1  1.0  1.1v  12-  41  -5 29 138  73N 306 338 286 +0.5 +2.7 +1.1-0.2 .385 -176.6     13 25 11.6 -11  9 41 401.7 751.3
   R1925 = Spica = alpha Virginis
      1925 is multiple: Aa,Ab 1.3 4.5 0.10"       : Aa,Ac 1.3 7.5 0.50"       : AB 1.0 12.0 154"  33.0, dT = -20sec : AC 1.0 10.5 368"  60.8, dT = +403sec
      1925 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
      1925 = alf Vir, 0.96 to 1.00, V, Type ELL+BCEP, Period 4.0145 days, Phase  75%
25 Jan 10  0  0 50.3 D     537SB6  3.7  3.8s  82+ 130     64 118  33N  23  71  35 +2.4 -5.3 +0.5+3.1 .332   40.6      3 44 52.5  24  6 48 365.6 775.5
   R537 = Electra = 17 Tauri
       537 is multiple: ** 3.9 7.5 0.20" 117.0, dT = -0.04sec : Aa,Ac 3.9 7.5 0.20"       : Aa,Ab 3.9 7.0 25.8"       : AB 3.7 13.0 98" 144.0, dT = -151sec
       537 has been reported as non-instantaneous (OCc1693). Observations are highly desired
       537 = NSV 15755, 3.70, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type SPB, Period 1.1073 days
25 Jan 10  0 58 35.6 r     537SB6  3.7  3.8s  82+ 130     72 146 -65N 286 314 298 +2.2 -5.4 +2.5-0.5 .316  139.6      3 44 52.5  24  6 48 365.3 735.2
   R537 = Electra = 17 Tauri
       537 is multiple: ** 3.9 7.5 0.20" 117.0, dT = +0.6sec : Aa,Ac 3.9 7.5 0.20"       : Aa,Ab 3.9 7.0 25.8"       : AB 3.7 13.0 98" 144.0, dT = +245sec
       537 has been reported as non-instantaneous (OCc1693). Observations are highly desired
       537 = NSV 15755, 3.70, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type SPB, Period 1.1073 days
25 Jan 10  1  8 36.8 D     552SB7  2.9  2.9s  82+ 130     73 151  89S  82 106  94 +2.2 -5.4 +2.0+0.6 .396  -16.2      3 47 29.1  24  6 18 365.2 730.6
   R552 = Alcyone = eta Tauri
       552 is multiple: Aa,Ab 3.0 4.6            : AB     1.6 0.031" 207.1, dT = -0.04sec : AE 2.8 15.0 78" 232.4, dT = -172sec : AB 2.8 6.3 118" 291.1, dT = -260sec
       552 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       552 = NSV 15775, 2.87, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type ROT+SPB, Period 2.2925 days
25 Jan 10  1  8 50   Gr    541SB8  3.9  3.9s  82+ 130     76 ** GRAZE: CA-15.5N; Dist.297km in az. 151deg. [Lat = 36.63+0.43(E.Long+78.64)]
25 Jan 10  1 12  4   m     541SB8  3.9  3.9s  82+ 130     74 155 -15N 336 357 348 +2.2 -5.4 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0      3 45 49.6  24 22  4 365.2 728.8
   R541 = Maia = 20 Tauri
       541 is quadruple: Aa,Ab 4.4 5.4            : AB 3.8 13.7 113"  72.7 : AB 3.8 13.7 113"  72.8
       541 = NSV 1279, 3.87, range 0.00, 4Kp, Type ACV, Period 10.288 days
25 Jan 10  2 25 17.2 D     560SB8  3.6  3.7s  82+ 130     72 212  30S 141 115 153 +2.0 -5.5 +3.5-6.7 .129  -71.4      3 49  9.7  24  3 12 365.3 713.2
   R560 = Atlas = 27 Tauri
       560 is multiple: Aa1,2 3.8 5.5 0.013" 145.3, dT = +0.1sec : Aa,Ab 3.8 6.8 0.22" 336.0, dT = -1.6sec : AC 3.6 15.0 50"  36.4, dT = -99sec : AH 3.6 16.0 68" 221.7, dT = +89sec
       560 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       560 = NSV 1345, 3.63, range 0.00, 9Kp, Type SPB, Period 2.4266 days
25 Jan 10  2 26 43.3 R     552SB7  2.9  2.9s  82+ 130     72 214 -62S 233 205 245 +2.0 -5.5 +1.7+1.3 .386 -163.5      3 47 29.1  24  6 18 365.3 713.6
   R552 = Alcyone = eta Tauri
       552 is multiple: Aa,Ab 3.0 4.6            : AB     1.6 0.031" 207.1, dT = -0.07sec : AE 2.8 15.0 78" 232.4, dT = -203sec : AB 2.8 6.3 118" 291.1, dT = -163sec
       552 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       552 = NSV 15775, 2.87, range 0.00, 1Kp, Type ROT+SPB, Period 2.2925 days
25 Jan 10  2 38 35   Gr    560SB8  3.6  3.7s  82+ 130     71 ** GRAZE: CA 10.7S; Dist. 97km in az. 166deg. [Lat = 38.81+0.19(E.Long+78.64)]
25 Jan 10  2 52 22.6 r     560SB8  3.6  3.7s  82+ 131     69 227  -9S 180 142 192 +2.0 -5.5 +0.7+7.7 .129 -108.6      3 49  9.7  24  3 12 365.5 716.8
   R560 = Atlas = 27 Tauri
       560 is multiple: Aa1,2 3.8 5.5 0.013" 145.3, dT = -0.08sec : Aa,Ab 3.8 6.8 0.22" 336.0, dT = +1.5sec : AC 3.6 15.0 50"  36.4, dT = +311sec : AH 3.6 16.0 68" 221.7, dT = -396sec
       560 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
       560 = NSV 1345, 3.63, range 0.00, 9Kp, Type SPB, Period 2.4266 days

see also