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* <u>[[Lunar occultations of major planets by year]]</u>
* <u>[[Lunar occultations of minor planets by decade]]</u>
* <u>[[Lunar occultations of minor planets by decade]]</u>
* <u>[[Jovian satellite syzygies]]</u>
* <u>[[astronomical events by year]]</u>
* <u>[[Saturnian satellite syzygies]]</u>


Latest revision as of 07:37, 10 June 2024

Lunar occultations of major planets predicted to be visible from Rocky Gap State Park, Flintstone, Allegany, Maryland, United States of America (USA).  Data is from the International Occultation and Timing Association (IOTA) Occultation Prediction Software (Occult).


Occultation prediction for Rocky Gap Maryland State Park
E. Longitude - 78 38 34.6,  Latitude  39 42 24.2,  Alt.  359m;  Telescope dia 13cm;  dMag10.0

       day  Time     P   Star  Sp  Mag  Mag    % Elon Sun  Moon   CA   PA  VA  AA Libration   A   B   RV    Cct durn  R.A. (J2000)  Dec   Mdist   SV
 y   m  d  h  m   s       No  D     v    r V  ill     Alt Alt Az   o    o   o   o   L    B   m/o m/o  "/s     o  sec  h  m   s    o  m  s   Mm   m/s
20 Feb 18 12 22 33.4 D Mars        1.2  1.2   24-  58   3 25 163 -83N  83  96  84 +6.6 +0.2 +2.3+0.8 .316   18.7     18  4 59.5 -23 39 53 385.1 623.5
   Mars contacts: Dark limb 12 22 25; Terminator 12 22 27; Bright limb 12 22 42: diam = 5.2"; %illum = 91.9%; PA bright limb = 89.4
20 Feb 18 13 54  8.4 R Mars        1.2  1.2   23-  58  19 27 186  64N 293 289 297 +6.3 +0.3 +2.3-0.8 .305  161.0     18  4 59.5 -23 39 53 385.2 602.6
   Mars contacts: Dark limb 13 54  0; Terminator 13 54  1; Bright limb 13 54 17: diam = 5.2"; %illum = 91.9%; PA bright limb = 89.4
21 Nov  3 19 45 28.2 D Mercury    -0.8 -0.8    2-  15  23 20 240 -47S 170 119 142 -4.1 -3.0 +0.7-2.7 .327  -42.4     13 40 29.8 - 8 21 40 360.7 773.4
   Mercury contacts: Dark limb 19 45 20; Terminator 19 45 21; Bright limb 19 45 37: diam = 5.5"; %illum = 85.1%; PA bright limb = 118.3
21 Nov  3 20 37 46.9 R Mercury    -0.8 -0.8    2-  15  15 11 250  45S 265 207 234 -4.1 -3.0 +0.7-1.1 .351 -137.6     13 40 29.8 - 8 21 40 361.6 834.2
   Mercury contacts: Dark limb 20 37 39; Terminator 20 37 41; Bright limb 20 37 55: diam = 5.5"; %illum = 85.1%; PA bright limb = 118.3
22 Aug 18 15 53 59   GrUranus      5.7  5.7   56-  97  56 17 ** GRAZE: CA -0.4S; Dist.188km in az.  14deg. [Lat = 41.45-0.20(E.Long+78.64)]
22 Aug 18 15 55 33   m Uranus      5.7  5.7   56-  97  58 18 278   0S 164 111 178 +5.5 +0.0 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      3  4 57.7  17  0 10 393.2 901.0
22 Oct 24 14 14 21.5 d Mercury    -1.1 -1.1    1-  10  26 35 140 -69N 104 129  79 -4.3 -2.2 +2.1+0.7 .314   31.4     13 20  9.9 - 6 41  8 376.3 671.4
   Mercury contacts: Dark limb 14 14 13; Terminator 14 14 14; Bright limb 14 14 30: diam = 5.1"; %illum = 94.5%; PA bright limb = 121.3
22 Oct 24 15 29 45.7 R Mercury    -1.1 -1.1    1-  10  35 42 162  46N 350 358 324 -4.4 -2.0 +0.6-2.2 .294  148.2     13 20  9.9 - 6 41  8 375.4 629.3
   Mercury contacts: Dark limb 15 29 37; Terminator 15 29 37; Bright limb 15 29 54: diam = 5.1"; %illum = 94.5%; PA bright limb = 121.3
22 Dec  8  3 48 34   M Mars       -1.9 -1.9  100+ 177     68 126  76N 162 204 166 +3.5 -3.4 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      4 57 15.7  24 57 31 394.3 706.3
   Distance of Mars to Terminator = 0.9"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
22 Dec  8  3 49 29   GrMars       -1.9 -1.9  100+ 177     69 ** GRAZE: CA 76.6N; Dist. 61km in az. 333deg. [Lat = 40.32+0.39(E.Long+78.64)]
   Distance of Mars to Terminator = 0.9"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
23 Jan  1 20 27 11.5 d Uranus      5.7  5.7   78+ 124  14 23  88  68N  50 104  66 +7.1 +0.3 +0.1+1.9 .492    9.9      2 49 49.5  15 56 14 390.8 947.1
   Uranus limb contacts offset by ±3.6 secs, at 20 27  7.9 and 20 27 15.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Uranus
23 Jan  1 21 30 29.5 r Uranus      5.7  5.7   78+ 124   4 35  98 -85S 248 300 263 +7.0 +0.2 +0.7+1.8 .450  170.1      2 49 49.5  15 56 14 389.7 864.1
   Uranus limb contacts offset by ±4.0 secs, at 21 30 25.5 and 21 30 33.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Uranus
23 Apr 19 17 57 23.6 d Europa      5.9  5.9    0-   6  60 56 209 -24N 348 327   9 +4.0 +1.6 -0.6+4.8 .189   62.7      1 27 44.4   8  3 13 369.1 739.0
   Europa limb contacts offset by ±1.9 secs, at 17 57 21.7 and 17 57 25.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Europa
23 Apr 19 17 58 10.9 d Ganymede    5.3  5.3    0-   6  60 55 209 -22N 345 325   7 +4.0 +1.6 -0.8+5.1 .176   64.5      1 27 42.6   8  3 14 369.1 733.8
   Ganymede limb contacts offset by ±3.5 secs, at 17 58  7.4 and 17 58 14.3  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ganymede
23 Apr 19 17 58 46.0 d Io          5.7  5.7    0-   6  60 55 209 -25N 348 328  11 +4.0 +1.6 -0.5+4.6 .196   61.5      1 27 47.0   8  3 35 369.1 735.2
   Io limb contacts offset by ±2.2 secs, at 17 58 43.8 and 17 58 48.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Io
23 Apr 19 18  0 40.0 D Jupiter    -1.9 -1.9    0-   6  60 55 210 -28N 351 330  14 +4.0 +1.6 -0.3+4.2 .215   58.6      1 27 53.0   8  4 12 369.1 737.7
   Jupiter limb contacts offset by ±77.1 secs, at 17 59 23 and 18  1 57  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Jupiter
23 Apr 19 18  3 33.5 d Callisto    6.3  6.3    0-   6  60 55 211 -28N 351 330  14 +4.0 +1.6 -0.2+4.2 .214   58.6      1 27 56.4   8  4 53 369.1 735.1
   Callisto limb contacts offset by ±2.6 secs, at 18  3 30.8 and 18  3 36.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Callisto
23 Apr 19 18 15 57   GrGanymede    5.3  5.3    0-   6  57 51 ** GRAZE: CA  5.7N; Dist.174km in az. 328deg. [Lat = 41.56+0.48(E.Long+78.64)]
23 Apr 19 18 22 14   GrJupiter    -1.9 -1.9    0-   6  55 50 ** GRAZE: CA  4.8N; Dist.263km in az. 329deg. [Lat = 42.46+0.46(E.Long+78.64)]
23 Apr 19 18 31 12.7 r Ganymede    5.3  5.3    0-   6  57 52 222  28N 295 266 318 +3.9 +1.5 +3.5-3.6 .179  115.6      1 27 42.6   8  3 14 369.4 743.8
   Ganymede limb contacts offset by ±3.4 secs, at 18 31  9.3 and 18 31 16.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ganymede
23 Apr 19 18 32 23.7 r Europa      5.9  5.9    0-   6  57 52 222  30N 294 265 316 +3.9 +1.5 +3.3-3.3 .192  117.3      1 27 44.4   8  3 13 369.4 749.5
   Europa limb contacts offset by ±1.9 secs, at 18 32 21.8 and 18 32 25.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Europa
23 Apr 19 18 35 17.5 r Io          5.7  5.7    0-   6  56 51 223  31N 292 263 315 +3.9 +1.5 +3.2-3.1 .199  118.6      1 27 47.0   8  3 35 369.5 746.2
   Io limb contacts offset by ±2.1 secs, at 18 35 15.3 and 18 35 19.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Io
23 Apr 19 18 40 19.8 R Jupiter    -1.9 -1.9    0-   6  56 51 225  34N 290 259 312 +3.9 +1.5 +2.9-2.8 .219  121.5      1 27 53.0   8  4 12 369.5 751.0
   Jupiter limb contacts offset by ±75.6 secs, at 18 39  4 and 18 41 35  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Jupiter
23 Apr 19 18 43 18.9 r Callisto    6.3  6.3    0-   6  55 50 226  34N 289 258 312 +3.9 +1.5 +2.9-2.8 .218  121.5      1 27 56.4   8  4 53 369.5 749.0
   Callisto limb contacts offset by ±2.6 secs, at 18 43 16.3 and 18 43 21.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Callisto
23 May 17 11 22 44.4 d Callisto    6.3  6.3    5-  27  14 29 100 -75N  52 103  71 +5.0 +1.2 +0.4+1.9 .494    3.9      1 52 14.2  10 22 34 376.2 903.1
   Callisto limb contacts offset by ±1.2 secs, at 11 22 43.3 and 11 22 45.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Callisto
23 May 17 11 27  6.7 d Ganymede    5.2  5.2    5-  26  15 29 101 -76N  54 104  72 +5.0 +1.2 +0.5+1.9 .491    2.6      1 52 22.4  10 23 31 376.1 896.3
   Ganymede limb contacts offset by ±1.3 secs, at 11 27  5.4 and 11 27  7.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ganymede
23 May 17 11 35 28.3 D Jupiter    -1.9 -1.9    5-  26  17 31 103 -79N  57 107  76 +4.9 +1.2 +0.6+1.9 .486   -1.0      1 52 38.3  10 25  6 376.0 886.6
   Jupiter limb contacts offset by ±34.7 secs, at 11 34 54 and 11 36  3  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Jupiter
23 May 17 11 35 57.7 d Europa      5.9  5.9    5-  26  17 31 103 -80N  57 107  76 +4.9 +1.2 +0.6+1.9 .489   -1.7      1 52 39.2  10 25  2 376.0 891.7
   Europa limb contacts offset by ±0.8 secs, at 11 35 57.0 and 11 35 58.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Europa
23 May 17 11 36 23.9 d Io          5.6  5.6    5-  26  17 31 103 -80N  57 107  76 +4.9 +1.2 +0.6+1.9 .489   -1.6      1 52 39.8  10 25 10 376.0 892.6
   Io limb contacts offset by ±0.9 secs, at 11 36 23.1 and 11 36 24.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Io
23 May 17 12 29 44.2 r Callisto    6.3  6.3    5-  26  27 41 114  80S 238 283 256 +4.9 +1.1 +0.9+1.9 .454  176.1      1 52 14.2  10 22 34 375.2 828.2
   Callisto limb contacts offset by ±1.3 secs, at 12 29 43.0 and 12 29 45.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Callisto
23 May 17 12 34 42.7 r Ganymede    5.2  5.2    5-  26  28 42 115  78S 236 281 255 +4.9 +1.1 +0.9+1.9 .451  177.5      1 52 22.4  10 23 31 375.1 821.7
   Ganymede limb contacts offset by ±1.4 secs, at 12 34 41.3 and 12 34 44.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ganymede
23 May 17 12 43 44.5 R Jupiter    -1.9 -1.9    5-  26  30 43 117  75S 233 276 251 +4.8 +1.0 +0.9+1.9 .447 -178.9      1 52 38.3  10 25  6 375.0 813.3
   Jupiter limb contacts offset by ±37.7 secs, at 12 43  7 and 12 44 22  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Jupiter
23 May 17 12 43 46.5 r Europa      5.9  5.9    5-  26  30 43 117  74S 232 276 250 +4.8 +1.0 +0.9+1.9 .450 -178.3      1 52 39.2  10 25  2 375.0 818.9
   Europa limb contacts offset by ±0.8 secs, at 12 43 45.7 and 12 43 47.3  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Europa
23 May 17 12 44  8.2 r Io          5.6  5.6    5-  26  30 43 117  74S 232 276 250 +4.8 +1.0 +0.9+1.9 .451 -178.3      1 52 39.8  10 25 10 375.0 820.1
   Io limb contacts offset by ±1.0 secs, at 12 44  7.3 and 12 44  9.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Io
23 Sep 16 19  6  5.6 D Mars        1.7  1.7    3+  19  44 45 196  88N 109  97  88 -3.7 -0.8 +2.3-1.1 .306   23.4     12 47 49.4 - 4 35 50 396.1 641.6
   Mars contacts: Bright limb 19  6  0; Terminator 19  6 11; Dark limb 19  6 12: diam = 3.7"; %illum = 98.9%; PA bright limb = 291.5
23 Sep 16 20 28 34.1 R Mars        1.7  1.7    3+  20  32 37 221 -49N 328 303 312 -4.0 -0.7 +1.0-2.4 .319  156.2     12 47 49.4 - 4 35 50 396.6 670.3
   Mars contacts: Bright limb 20 28 28; Terminator 20 28 40; Dark limb 20 28 40: diam = 3.7"; %illum = 98.9%; PA bright limb = 291.5
24 Apr  7 16 34 49.3 D Venus      -3.8 -3.8    2-  15  56 50 185 -44N   9  10  36 -0.3 +2.1 +0.6+2.3 .352   32.8      0 12 29.6 - 0 16 40 354.0 718.5
   Venus contacts: Dark limb 16 34 35; Terminator 16 34 35; Bright limb 16 35  4: diam = 10.2"; %illum = 96.6%; PA bright limb = 61.1
24 Apr  7 17 41 46.1 R Venus      -3.8 -3.8    2-  15  57 46 209  70N 257 238 283 -0.4 +1.9 +2.1-0.3 .360  147.5      0 12 29.6 - 0 16 40 354.2 733.8
   Venus contacts: Dark limb 17 41 32; Terminator 17 41 33; Bright limb 17 42  0: diam = 10.2"; %illum = 96.6%; PA bright limb = 61.1
24 Sep 18  8  6 39.5 d Neptune     7.8  7.8  100- 177     34 233 -56S 124  86 146 -1.0 +1.3 +3.2-5.1 .163  -71.5     23 55 39.0 - 1 54 59 353.8 882.1
   Neptune limb contacts offset by ±7.8 secs, at  8  6 32 and  8  6 47  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Neptune
24 Sep 18  8 27 58.6 r Neptune     7.8  7.8  100- 177     31 238 -16S 162 121 184 -1.0 +1.3 -1.2+5.6 .166 -108.5     23 55 39.0 - 1 54 59 354.1 900.8
   Neptune limb contacts offset by ±7.6 secs, at  8 27 51 and  8 28  6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Neptune
24 Nov 12  2  8 36.2 d Neptune     7.8  7.8   80+ 127     48 191  87N  63  55  85 -3.8 +1.6 +1.7+0.7 .436  -13.9     23 50 57.8 - 2 24 44 359.8 784.2
   Neptune limb contacts offset by ±2.9 secs, at  2  8 33.4 and  2  8 39.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Neptune
24 Nov 12  3 19 32.4 r Neptune     7.8  7.8   80+ 127     42 215 -60S 216 190 238 -4.0 +1.4 +0.9+1.1 .450 -165.8     23 50 57.8 - 2 24 44 360.1 810.1
   Neptune limb contacts offset by ±2.8 secs, at  3 19 29.6 and  3 19 35.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Neptune
25 Jan  4 16 13 53   m Saturn      1.1  1.1   25+  60  26  5 104  -6N 333  22 354 -2.1 +2.7 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0     23  5 49.6 - 7 55 57 372.2 955.9
25 Jan  4 16 17 54   m Titan       8.7  8.7   25+  60  26  5 105  -6N 332  21 354 -2.1 +2.7 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0     23  5 59.7 - 7 56 14 372.1 951.3
25 Jan 14  2 14 48.0 D Mars       -1.4 -1.4  100- 175     45  93 -26S 106 164  96 +5.7 -5.6 +1.2+0.5 .446   -6.7      7 58 17.5  25  0  8 377.5 822.8
   Mars contacts: Dark limb  2 14 32; Terminator  2 14 32; Bright limb  2 15  4: diam = 14.6"; %illum = 99.9%; PA bright limb = 44.3
25 Jan 14  3 28 35.1 R Mars       -1.4 -1.4  100- 175     59 108  41N 276 330 265 +5.5 -5.6 +1.6+0.6 .410 -173.0      7 58 17.5  25  0  8 376.8 754.6
   Distance of Mars to Terminator = 1.7"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
   Mars contacts: Dark limb  3 28 17; Terminator  3 28 17; Bright limb  3 28 53: diam = 14.6"; %illum = 99.9%; PA bright limb = 44.3
26 Jun 17 19 44  5.8 D Venus      -4.0 -4.0   11+  38  55 71 167  85S 106 117  94 +5.6 -2.7 +2.1-0.6 .373   11.8      8 30 20.8  21  2 26 358.6 662.3
   Venus contacts: Bright limb 19 43 46; Terminator 19 44 15; Dark limb 19 44 26: diam = 14.7"; %illum = 74.0%; PA bright limb = 281.5
26 Jun 17 21  7 35.8 R Venus      -4.0 -4.0   11+  39  39 67 222 -59N 309 280 300 +5.4 -2.6 +1.3-2.1 .391  167.8      8 30 20.8  21  2 26 359.0 696.7
   Venus contacts: Bright limb 21  7 17; Terminator 21  7 48; Dark limb 21  7 55: diam = 14.7"; %illum = 74.0%; PA bright limb = 281.5
26 Sep  8 18 51 34.8 d Callisto    6.5  6.5    7-  31  49 38 260 -63S 136  83 120 +2.6 -1.0 +0.4-2.0 .493  -13.1      9  9 59.0  16 53 49 366.0 899.3
   Callisto limb contacts offset by ±1.1 secs, at 18 51 33.7 and 18 51 35.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Callisto
26 Sep  8 18 54  7.4 d Ganymede    5.5  5.5    7-  31  49 37 261 -64S 135  82 119 +2.6 -1.0 +0.4-2.0 .500  -12.2      9 10  5.2  16 53 17 366.0 907.9
   Ganymede limb contacts offset by ±1.2 secs, at 18 54  6.3 and 18 54  8.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ganymede
26 Sep  8 18 59  5.8 D Jupiter    -1.7 -1.7    7-  31  48 37 262 -66S 133  79 117 +2.6 -1.0 +0.4-2.0 .505  -10.0      9 10 15.8  16 52 26 366.1 910.7
   Jupiter limb contacts offset by ±31.8 secs, at 18 58 34 and 18 59 38  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Jupiter
26 Sep  8 18 59 16.9 d Europa      6.2  6.2    7-  31  48 37 262 -66S 133  79 117 +2.6 -1.0 +0.4-2.0 .502   -9.9      9 10 15.4  16 52 27 366.1 905.6
   Europa limb contacts offset by ±0.7 secs, at 18 59 16.2 and 18 59 17.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Europa
26 Sep  8 19  1 57.6 d Io          5.9  5.9    7-  31  48 36 262 -67S 132  78 115 +2.6 -1.0 +0.4-2.0 .509   -8.9      9 10 22.0  16 51 54 366.1 915.5
   Io limb contacts offset by ±0.8 secs, at 19  1 56.8 and 19  1 58.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Io
26 Sep  8 19 51 32.2 r Callisto    6.5  6.5    7-  31  40 26 270  89S 287 234 272 +2.6 -0.9 +0.4-1.6 .534 -166.9      9  9 59.0  16 53 49 367.1 976.3
   Callisto limb contacts offset by ±1.0 secs, at 19 51 31.2 and 19 51 33.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Callisto
26 Sep  8 19 53 47.1 r Ganymede    5.5  5.5    7-  31  40 26 271  90S 288 234 272 +2.6 -0.8 +0.4-1.6 .541 -167.8      9 10  5.2  16 53 17 367.2 984.8
   Ganymede limb contacts offset by ±1.1 secs, at 19 53 46.0 and 19 53 48.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ganymede
26 Sep  8 19 59  2.0 R Jupiter    -1.7 -1.7    7-  31  39 25 272  88N 290 237 274 +2.6 -0.8 +0.3-1.6 .547 -170.0      9 10 15.8  16 52 26 367.3 988.7
   Jupiter limb contacts offset by ±29.3 secs, at 19 58 33 and 19 59 31  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Jupiter
26 Sep  8 19 59 33.0 r Europa      6.2  6.2    7-  31  39 25 272  88N 290 237 275 +2.6 -0.8 +0.3-1.6 .544 -170.1      9 10 15.4  16 52 27 367.3 984.0
   Europa limb contacts offset by ±0.6 secs, at 19 59 32.4 and 19 59 33.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Europa
26 Sep  8 20  1 45.0 r Io          5.9  5.9    7-  31  39 24 272  87N 291 238 275 +2.6 -0.8 +0.3-1.6 .552 -171.1      9 10 22.0  16 51 54 367.3 994.6
   Io limb contacts offset by ±0.7 secs, at 20  1 44.3 and 20  1 45.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Io
26 Oct  6  8 15 46.2 d Europa      6.1  6.1   20-  53     15  83 -81N 100 152  83 +4.7 -0.7 +0.3+1.0 .522   10.0      9 30 55.2  15 21 19 372.8 959.0
   Europa limb contacts offset by ±0.7 secs, at  8 15 45.5 and  8 15 46.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Europa
26 Oct  6  8 17 56.8 d Callisto    6.4  6.4   20-  53     16  83 -81N 100 152  83 +4.7 -0.7 +0.3+1.0 .523   10.0      9 30 58.9  15 20 59 372.7 959.5
   Callisto limb contacts offset by ±1.1 secs, at  8 17 55.7 and  8 17 57.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Callisto
26 Oct  6  8 18 13.2 d Io          5.8  5.8   20-  53     16  83 -81N 100 152  83 +4.7 -0.7 +0.3+1.0 .518   10.0      9 31  1.2  15 20 47 372.7 951.5
   Io limb contacts offset by ±0.8 secs, at  8 18 12.4 and  8 18 14.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Io
26 Oct  6  8 20 47.0 D Jupiter    -1.7 -1.7   20-  53     16  83 -81N 100 152  83 +4.7 -0.7 +0.3+1.0 .519   10.0      9 31  5.4  15 20 24 372.7 952.2
   Jupiter limb contacts offset by ±32.4 secs, at  8 20 15 and  8 21 19  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Jupiter
26 Oct  6  8 22 49.6 d Ganymede    5.4  5.4   20-  53     16  84 -81N 100 153  83 +4.7 -0.7 +0.3+1.0 .520   10.0      9 31  8.7  15 20  5 372.6 953.8
   Ganymede limb contacts offset by ±1.2 secs, at  8 22 48.4 and  8 22 50.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ganymede
26 Oct  6  9 17 50.7 R Europa      6.1  6.1   19-  52     27  92  77N 302 355 285 +4.7 -0.7 +0.8+0.1 .478  170.2      9 30 55.2  15 21 19 371.6 873.7
   Europa limb contacts offset by ±0.8 secs, at  9 17 49.9 and  9 17 51.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Europa
26 Oct  6  9 19 57.3 R Callisto    6.4  6.4   19-  52     27  93  77N 302 355 285 +4.7 -0.7 +0.8+0.1 .478  170.1      9 30 58.9  15 20 59 371.6 875.0
   Callisto limb contacts offset by ±1.2 secs, at  9 19 56.2 and  9 19 58.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Callisto
26 Oct  6  9 20 49.3 R Io          5.8  5.8   19-  52     28  93  77N 303 355 285 +4.7 -0.7 +0.8+0.1 .473  170.2      9 31  1.2  15 20 47 371.6 865.5
   Io limb contacts offset by ±0.9 secs, at  9 20 48.4 and  9 20 50.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Io
26 Oct  6  9 23 17.4 R Jupiter    -1.7 -1.7   19-  52     28  93  77N 303 355 285 +4.7 -0.7 +0.8+0.1 .474  170.1      9 31  5.4  15 20 24 371.5 867.5
   Jupiter limb contacts offset by ±35.5 secs, at  9 22 42 and  9 23 53  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Jupiter
26 Oct  6  9 25 12.5 R Ganymede    5.4  5.4   19-  52     28  93  77N 303 355 285 +4.7 -0.7 +0.8+0.1 .476  170.2      9 31  8.7  15 20  5 371.5 869.7
   Ganymede limb contacts offset by ±1.3 secs, at  9 25 11.2 and  9 25 13.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ganymede
27 Aug  1 14 35 15.3 D Mercury    -1.3 -1.3    1-  11  48 58 116 -73S 121 172 113 -0.7 -1.3 +1.9-0.7 .370  -12.4      8  0 56.2  21 27 27 352.4 648.2
   Mercury contacts: Dark limb 14 35  8; Terminator 14 35 10; Bright limb 14 35 23: diam = 5.4"; %illum = 89.2%; PA bright limb = 106.4
27 Aug  1 16  5 38.6 R Mercury    -1.3 -1.3    1-  11  63 71 157  88S 283 303 274 -0.8 -1.2 +2.3-0.5 .359 -167.8      8  0 56.2  21 27 27 351.7 626.1
   Mercury contacts: Dark limb 16  5 31; Terminator 16  5 33; Bright limb 16  5 46: diam = 5.4"; %illum = 89.2%; PA bright limb = 106.4
27 Dec 28 15 36 35.5 d Mercury    -0.9 -0.9    1+  10  23 18 146  36N  46  71  48 +3.5 +2.8 +2.3+2.5 .232   36.1     19  9 54.0 -24 38  8 398.6 555.4
   Mercury contacts: Bright limb 15 36 25; Terminator 15 36 46; Dark limb 15 36 46: diam = 4.9"; %illum = 95.9%; PA bright limb = 275.7
27 Dec 28 17  9  4.7 r Mercury    -0.9 -0.9    1+  10  27 25 168 -78N 282 299 294 +3.2 +2.7 +3.1+0.0 .214  143.7     19  9 54.0 -24 38  8 398.0 512.8
   Mercury contacts: Bright limb 17  8 53; Terminator 17  9 15; Dark limb 17  9 16: diam = 4.9"; %illum = 95.9%; PA bright limb = 275.7
29 Oct 26 13 37 14.0 d Uranus      5.6  5.6   86- 135  20 19 285 -13S 161 108 168 -5.3 -0.6 -1.1-3.9 .219  -63.5      5  6 25.8  22 53 26 400.0 950.3
   Uranus limb contacts offset by ±8.5 secs, at 13 37  6 and 13 37 22  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Uranus
29 Oct 26 14  3 46.2 r Uranus      5.6  5.6   85- 135  24 14 288  40S 214 162 221 -5.3 -0.5 +1.0+0.9 .228 -116.5      5  6 25.8  22 53 26 400.5 991.4
   Uranus limb contacts offset by ±8.1 secs, at 14  3 38 and 14  3 54  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Uranus

see also