Lunar occultations of minor planets by decade

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Lunar occultations of minor planets predicted to be visible from Rocky Gap State Park, Flintstone, Allegany, Maryland, United States of America (USA).  Data is from the International Occultation and Timing Association (IOTA) Occultation Prediction Software (Occult).


Occultation prediction for Rocky Gap Maryland State Park
E. Longitude - 78 38 34.6,  Latitude  39 42 24.2,  Alt.  359m;  Telescope dia 13cm;  dMag10.0

       day  Time     P   Star  Sp  Mag  Mag    % Elon Sun  Moon   CA   PA  VA  AA Libration   A   B   RV    Cct durn  R.A. (J2000)  Dec   Mdist   SV
 y   m  d  h  m   s       No  D     v    r V  ill     Alt Alt Az   o    o   o   o   L    B   m/o m/o  "/s     o  sec  h  m   s    o  m  s   Mm   m/s
20 Jan  9 23 58 35.6 d Industria  11.3 11.3   99+ 170     29  83  24N  36  82  20 -4.4 +0.4 -0.5+3.3 .305   55.3      6 40 36.9  22 58 33 371.7 964.7
   Distance of Industria to Terminator = 2.2"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
   Industria limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 23 58 35.5 and 23 58 35.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Industria
20 Jan 10  0 33 43.2 r Industria  11.3 11.3   99+ 171     36  88 -46N 331  13 310 -4.4 +0.3 +1.6-0.7 .290  124.8      6 40 36.9  22 58 33 371.0 913.6
   Industria limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  0 33 43.0 and  0 33 43.3  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Industria
20 May 24 13  4 18.6 d Vesta       8.7  8.7    4+  22  34 18  75  78N 299 132  79 -4.5 +1.2 +0.0+1.5 .512   -4.1      5 38 32.1  22 24 40 390.0 971.5
   Vesta limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 13  4 18.4 and 13  4 18.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Vesta
20 May 24 14  6 48.7 r Vesta       8.7  8.7    4+  22  46 29  84 -69S 258 305 250 -4.6 +1.0 +0.3+1.8 .464 -175.8      5 38 32.1  22 24 40 388.7 877.8
   Vesta limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 14  6 48.4 and 14  6 48.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Vesta
20 May 25  0 24 22   m Thisbe     13.3 13.3    5+  26   0 22 283   2N 344 308   1 -6.2 +0.4 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0      5 58 16.1  23 20 41 388.0 920.4
20 Jul 14  8 14  8.6 d Eugenia    13.3 13.3   37-  75     29 103 -60S 116 149 117 -1.4 +6.0 +1.2+1.2 .321  -40.0      2 27  4.7   9 23  2 399.6 810.9
   Eugenia limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  8 14  8.5 and  8 14  8.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Eugenia
20 Jul 14  9 10 20.9 r Eugenia    13.3 13.3   37-  74  -9 40 114  37S 218 243 215 -1.6 +5.9 +0.3+3.0 .296 -140.0      2 27  4.7   9 23  2 398.6 746.8
   Eugenia limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  9 10 20.8 and  9 10 21.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Eugenia
20 Sep 15 19 53  6.8 d Metis      11.2 11.2    4-  23  38 32 263 -83S 129  74 105 -5.4 -5.2 +0.4-1.9 .511   -9.5     10 14 53.2  14 54 26 362.3 910.5
   Metis limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 19 53  6.8 and 19 53  6.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Metis
20 Sep 15 20 52 58.5 r Metis      11.2 11.2    4-  23  27 20 273  76S 287 233 264 -5.4 -5.2 +0.2-1.5 .556 -170.6     10 14 53.2  14 54 26 363.3 992.3
   Metis limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 20 52 58.4 and 20 52 58.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Metis
20 Nov  9 15 14 43.5 d Amphitrite 11.1 11.1   39-  77  28 44 251 -29N 355   2  29 -7.3 -5.7 +3.2+1.2 .164   68.8     10 15 58.3  15 36 58 370.8 816.1
   Amphitrite limb contacts offset by ±0.3 secs, at 15 14 43.2 and 15 14 43.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Amphitrite
20 Nov  9 15 40  8.5 r Amphitrite 11.1 11.1   39-  77  30 40 257  14N 330 317 346 -7.3 -5.7 -1.4-4.7 .170  111.2     10 15 58.3  15 36 58 371.1 845.6
   Amphitrite limb contacts offset by ±0.3 secs, at 15 40  8.1 and 15 40  8.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Amphitrite
20 Dec  7  8 35 30.9 d Amphitrite 10.8 10.8   57-  98     50 121 -36S 187 208 143 -5.4 -6.4 +1.0-2.9 .264  -49.3     10 44  6.1  13  4 44 373.1 733.8
   Amphitrite limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  8 35 30.7 and  8 35 31.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Amphitrite
20 Dec  7  9 29 26.2 r Amphitrite 10.8 10.8   57-  98     58 139  48S 261 281 227 -5.5 -6.3 +2.6+2.1 .255 -130.7     10 44  6.1  13  4 44 372.5 706.7
   Amphitrite limb contacts offset by ±0.3 secs, at  9 29 26.0 and  9 29 26.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Amphitrite
21 Jan 20 19 33 46.2 d Parthenope 11.4 11.4   50+  90  23 31 108  36S 127 172 143 +1.8 +5.8 +2.4-0.1 .164  -65.9      2  0 19.6   7  9 39 400.7 781.5
   Parthenope limb contacts offset by ±0.3 secs, at 19 33 45.9 and 19 33 46.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Parthenope
21 Jan 20 20  4  9.9 r Parthenope 11.4 11.4   50+  90  20 37 114 -11S 176 216 190 +1.7 +5.7 -0.9+4.5 .157 -114.1      2  0 19.6   7  9 39 400.2 748.4
   Parthenope limb contacts offset by ±0.3 secs, at 20  4  9.6 and 20  4 10.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Parthenope
21 Mar 15 20 33 51.7 d Thetis     13.2 13.2    6+  27  30 50 214  66N  49  27  73 +1.4 +5.6 +1.7+0.9 .338    1.1      1 28 47.8   4 44 41 397.7 651.2
   Thetis limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at 20 33 51.6 and 20 33 51.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Thetis
21 Mar 15 21 59 50.3 r Thetis     13.2 13.2    6+  28  15 38 239 -72S 240 197 259 +1.1 +5.4 +1.3+0.1 .364  179.1      1 28 47.8   4 44 41 398.8 703.5
   Thetis limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at 21 59 50.3 and 21 59 50.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Thetis
21 Mar 24  1  9 49.8 d Lutetia    12.4 12.4   74+ 118     73 166  51S 143 156 130 -7.2 -4.6 +1.7-2.7 .277  -39.7      8 19 17.5  23  2 32 380.0 662.4
   Lutetia limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  1  9 49.7 and  1  9 50.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Lutetia
21 Mar 24  2 18 19.6 r Lutetia    12.4 12.4   74+ 119     70 217 -53S 249 218 234 -7.4 -4.6 +2.5+0.8 .285 -140.5      8 19 17.5  23  2 32 379.8 681.0
   Lutetia limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  2 18 19.5 and  2 18 19.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Lutetia
21 Jul  7  8 37 26.2 r Massalia   11.4 11.4    6-  29      8  68  64S 252 289 243 -0.6 +0.0 -0.5+1.7 .507 -166.5      4 55 58.6  22 19 23 403.01019.0
   Massalia limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  8 37 26.1 and  8 37 26.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Massalia
21 Aug 31  9 25 25.0 d Anahita    13.2 13.2   39-  78     55 105 -84N  56 135  83 -1.3 -1.2 +1.6+1.5 .350  -10.7      5 17  2.3  23 59 14 397.8 687.4
   Anahita limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at  9 25 25.0 and  9 25 25.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Anahita
21 Aug 31 10 53 44.4 r Anahita    13.2 13.2   39-  77   1 70 136  65S 253 277 243 -1.6 -1.4 +1.9+1.9 .313 -168.7      5 17  2.3  23 59 14 396.9 613.7
   Anahita limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 10 53 44.4 and 10 53 44.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Anahita
21 Sep  1  6 25 27.4 d Iris        9.8  9.8   31-  68     13  68 -65N 355 119  64 -2.1 -2.2 -0.3+1.6 .496   10.5      6  3 54.9  25  6 11 399.7 978.7
   Iris limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  6 25 27.2 and  6 25 27.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Iris
21 Sep  1  7 26 40.4 r Iris        9.8  9.8   31-  67     25  77  85S 270 322 264 -2.1 -2.3 +0.3+1.4 .451  169.5      6  3 54.9  25  6 11 398.4 885.6
   Iris limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  7 26 40.2 and  7 26 40.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Iris
21 Sep 29  6 28 57.3 d Kalliope   11.7 11.7   48-  87     28  79 -47N  32 108  46 -3.2 -3.4 -0.1+2.4 .391   29.4      6 39 27.0  25 49 30 398.1 866.0
   Kalliope limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  6 28 57.2 and  6 28 57.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Kalliope
21 Sep 29  7 30 23.7 r Kalliope   11.7 11.7   47-  87     40  88  75N 279 349 284 -3.3 -3.5 +1.3+0.6 .352  150.8      6 39 27.0  25 49 30 396.9 776.9
   Kalliope limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  7 30 23.6 and  7 30 23.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Kalliope
22 Jan 13 22 40 52   m Isis       11.9 11.9   86+ 136  -6 42  95  16S 152 212 163 +2.2 -0.6 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      4 32 47.3  22  1 51 401.5 808.3
22 Jan 13 22 41 37   GrIsis       11.9 11.9   86+ 136  -6 43 ** GRAZE: CA 19.8S; Dist. 31km in az. 318deg. [Lat = 40.08+0.70(E.Long+78.64)]
22 Mar  6 22 39 57   m Harmonia   12.0 12.0   18+  51   5 51 233  14S 166 110 166 +4.2 +2.3 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      2 20 49.8  11 49 18 389.5 667.1
22 Mar 10  2 24 56   m Isis       12.9 12.9   46+  86     44 267   1N 340 297 360 +0.5 -2.0 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0      4 52 58.9  24 22 11 399.3 712.9
   Distance of Isis to Terminator = 17.2"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
22 Apr  7  1 16 10.5 d Isis       13.2 13.2   29+  65     43 270  89N  84  26  86 -0.6 -3.0 +1.2-1.1 .372    5.4      5 25 40.3  25 30 49 399.7 724.8
   Isis limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  1 16 10.5 and  1 16 10.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Isis
22 Apr  7  2 30 29.8 r Isis       13.2 13.2   29+  66     29 280 -79N 273 220 279 -0.7 -3.0 +0.4-1.6 .424  174.3      5 25 40.3  25 30 49 401.1 828.2
   Isis limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  2 30 29.8 and  2 30 29.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Isis
22 May  5  3 35  6.2 d Isis       13.4 13.4   16+  47      5 300  71S 126  59 105 -1.6 -3.7 -0.5-1.4 .521  -11.4      6  6  1.4  26  7 56 404.71043.8
   Isis limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at  3 35  6.2 and  3 35  6.3  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Isis
22 Jun  1 20 48 19.2 d Ceres       9.0  9.0    5+  26  41 65 247  69N  59  12  60 -1.3 -4.6 +2.4+0.5 .272   31.0      6 31 10.2  26 49 48 400.4 616.3
   Ceres limb contacts offset by ±0.7 secs, at 20 48 18.5 and 20 48 19.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ceres
22 Jun  1 22  3 22.2 r Ceres       9.0  9.0    5+  26  27 51 265 -46N 302 251 306 -1.5 -4.5 +0.8-2.9 .302  148.6      6 31 10.2  26 49 48 401.2 688.1
   Ceres limb contacts offset by ±0.6 secs, at 22  3 21.6 and 22  3 22.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Ceres
22 Jul 21 10 58 49.2 d Euterpe    11.7 11.7   41-  80   9 61 156 -48S 164 132 130 +7.0 +1.7 +4.0-1.3 .175  -60.3      2 25 52.6  12 44 52 389.2 665.5
   Euterpe limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 10 58 49.0 and 10 58 49.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Euterpe
22 Jul 21 11 42 48.4 r Euterpe    11.7 11.7   41-  80  17 63 178  12S 208 174 190 +6.8 +1.6 -0.6+5.1 .170 -119.5      2 25 52.6  12 44 52 389.2 650.3
   Euterpe limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 11 42 48.2 and 11 42 48.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Euterpe
23 Jun 14 18 36  6.3 d Fides      12.4 12.4   12-  41  66 31 266 -67N 284 357  66 +4.6 -0.9 +1.0+0.2 .410   18.5      2 37 11.2  16  7  4 382.1 801.1
   Fides limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 18 36  6.3 and 18 36  6.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Fides
23 Jun 14 19 40 40.3 r Fides      12.4 12.4   12-  41  55 18 276  73N 258 217 286 +4.6 -1.0 +0.3-1.4 .452  161.3      2 37 11.2  16  7  4 383.5 887.5
   Fides limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 19 40 40.2 and 19 40 40.3  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Fides
23 Aug 13  9 55  6.8 d Nausikaa   12.2 12.2    8-  32  -6 25  75 -73N 316 145  80 +4.8 -6.1 +0.3+1.4 .444   -1.0      7 20 58.2  26 49 41 400.7 862.7
   Nausikaa limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  9 55  6.7 and  9 55  6.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Nausikaa
23 Aug 13 11  6 47.6 r Nausikaa   12.2 12.2    8-  32   7 38  85  71S 273 327 259 +4.7 -6.2 +0.9+1.5 .391 -178.8      7 20 58.2  26 49 41 399.5 757.3
   Nausikaa limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 11  6 47.5 and 11  6 47.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Nausikaa
23 Oct 26  3  5 56.7 d Proserpina 11.9 11.9   90+ 143     46 187  88S  64  59  86 +0.6 +3.9 +1.7+0.6 .438  -14.7     23 48  5.2 - 4 45  1 360.3 791.0
   Proserpina limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  3  5 56.6 and  3  5 56.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Proserpina
23 Oct 26  4 16  3.2 r Proserpina 11.9 11.9   90+ 143     41 210 -63S 217 193 238 +0.5 +3.8 +0.9+1.0 .451 -165.1     23 48  5.2 - 4 45  1 360.7 816.1
   Proserpina limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  4 16  3.1 and  4 16  3.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Proserpina
23 Nov  2  1  9  8.9 r Fides      10.9 10.9   80- 127      2  55  86S 262 309 262 +6.5 -5.6 -0.5+1.0 .609  177.8      6  9  5.6  27 35 13 390.21154.0
   Fides limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  1  9  8.8 and  1  9  9.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Fides
24 May 12 23  8 43   m Metis      11.2 11.2   26+  61  12 66 242 -14S 218 152 192 +5.7 -6.3 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      7 43 43.0  25 55 11 385.1 669.0
24 Jun 11  1 25 33   m Eleonora   11.6 11.6   21+  55  -8 33 270  16N   8 336  14 +3.9 -4.9 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0      9 13 54.5  20  8 55 393.2 863.2
24 Jul  7 18 38 52.2 d Undina     13.2 13.2    4+  22  66 72 166  84N  89 101  75 +4.5 -5.6 +2.5+0.2 .302   27.4      8 45 36.2  22 26 38 388.0 640.3
   Undina limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 18 38 52.2 and 18 38 52.3  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Undina
24 Jul  7 19 56 24.6 r Undina     13.2 13.2    4+  23  53 69 221 -38N 324 295 313 +4.3 -5.5 +1.0-2.8 .315  152.2      8 45 36.2  22 26 38 388.3 671.7
   Undina limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 19 56 24.6 and 19 56 24.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Undina
24 Aug  6 17  4 13.8 d Astraea    11.8 11.8    5+  26  66 50 131  55S 141 180 122 +2.7 -2.8 +1.3-1.4 .328  -15.7     10 50 26.9   9 30  7 397.8 657.0
   Astraea limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 17  4 13.8 and 17  4 13.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Astraea
24 Aug  6 18 31 51.7 r Astraea    11.8 11.8    5+  26  62 59 165 -82N 296 308 275 +2.4 -2.7 +2.1-0.9 .318 -164.7     10 50 26.9   9 30  7 397.4 636.4
   Astraea limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 18 31 51.6 and 18 31 51.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Astraea
24 Aug 30  9 17 54.4 d Amphitrite 11.3 11.3   12-  41     23  75 -85N 199 158  91 +6.9 -6.0 +0.4+1.0 .459   -7.3      7 57 13.3  25 23 40 391.6 878.1
   Amphitrite limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  9 17 54.3 and  9 17 54.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Amphitrite
24 Aug 30 10 27 33.6 r Amphitrite 11.3 11.3   12-  41  -4 36  85  72S 275 327 258 +6.8 -6.1 +0.8+1.4 .407 -172.5      7 57 13.3  25 23 40 390.4 777.3
   Amphitrite limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 10 27 33.5 and 10 27 33.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Amphitrite
25 Mar  3 18 42 40.3 d Hygiea     12.0 12.0   19+  52  41 56 126  83N  61 102  80 +2.4 -3.6 +1.3+1.6 .459   -7.7      2  7 16.8  15 46 57 359.2 806.3
   Hygiea limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 18 42 40.1 and 18 42 40.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Hygiea
25 Mar  3 19 56 15.4 r Hygiea     12.0 12.0   19+  52  32 65 157 -68S 228 244 244 +2.3 -3.7 +1.3+1.8 .431 -172.0      2  7 16.8  15 46 57 358.9 758.2
   Hygiea limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 19 56 15.2 and 19 56 15.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Hygiea
25 Jun 27 21 57 59.9 d Aquitania  13.8 13.8    8+  32  30 55 248   6S 196 135 171 +6.0 -3.9 -1.1-4.6 .194  -63.4      8 46 22.9  20 42 52 372.7 783.1
   Aquitania limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 21 57 59.8 and 21 58  0.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Aquitania
25 Jun 27 22 30  6.0 r Aquitania  13.8 13.8    8+  33  23 49 256 -47S 245 185 223 +5.9 -3.9 +2.9+0.5 .202 -116.6      8 46 22.9  20 42 52 373.3 817.4
   Aquitania limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 22 30  5.9 and 22 30  6.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Aquitania
25 Nov 13 10  0 52.6 d Parthenope 12.0 12.0   37-  75     48 125 -67N  60 128  68 +8.2 -0.8 +2.1+1.2 .302   37.0     10 30 50.5  10  8  0 385.6 706.9
   Parthenope limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 10  0 52.4 and 10  0 52.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Parthenope
25 Nov 13 11  6 17.3 r Parthenope 12.0 12.0   37-  75 -10 57 147  36N 322  11 325 +8.0 -0.7 +0.8-2.7 .291  142.9     10 30 50.5  10  8  0 385.2 681.2
   Parthenope limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 11  6 17.2 and 11  6 17.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Parthenope
25 Dec 30 23 57 20.9 d Leto       11.3 11.3   84+ 132     61 117  22N  13  59  26 -2.8 -5.8 +0.0+3.5 .294   51.3      3 12 27.3  22 40 22 357.6 815.6
   Leto limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 23 57 20.7 and 23 57 21.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Leto
25 Dec 31  0 42 32.2 r Leto       11.3 11.3   84+ 133     68 135 -55N 295 331 309 -2.8 -5.8 +2.7-0.8 .282  128.8      3 12 27.3  22 40 22 357.2 780.0
   Leto limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  0 42 32.0 and  0 42 32.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Leto
26 Feb 24  2 30 14.7 d Leto       12.3 12.3   45+  84     41 271  77S  94  31 102 -1.6 -6.4 +1.0-1.2 .458   -7.7      3 42 54.9  24 45 19 366.2 821.4
   Leto limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  2 30 14.6 and  2 30 14.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Leto
26 Feb 24  3 36 39.1 r Leto       12.3 12.3   45+  84     28 280 -89S 256 199 269 -1.7 -6.4 +0.6-0.8 .508 -172.5      3 42 54.9  24 45 19 367.3 912.2
   Leto limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  3 36 39.1 and  3 36 39.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Leto
26 Mar 23 20 42 43.1 d Leto       12.6 12.6   28+  64  30 74 139  75S  94 127 102 +0.9 -6.5 +2.1+0.2 .380  -19.9      4 18 57.0  26 23 44 361.6 708.5
   Leto limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 20 42 43.1 and 20 42 43.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Leto
26 Mar 23 22  2  3.5 r Leto       12.6 12.6   29+  65  16 75 210 -69S 241 212 247 +0.7 -6.5 +1.9+1.3 .370 -159.9      4 18 57.0  26 23 44 361.6 690.3
   Leto limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 22  2  3.4 and 22  2  3.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Leto
26 Mar 31  4  4  9.6 d Fortuna    11.3 11.3   96+ 157     54 184  74S 123 122 104 +5.0 +1.7 +1.6-1.2 .397    5.9     11 13 23.4   3 29 11 381.9 739.5
   Fortuna limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  4  4  9.4 and  4  4  9.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Fortuna
26 Mar 31  5 21 17.9 r Fortuna    11.3 11.3   96+ 158     49 214 -63N 329 291 295 +4.8 +1.8 +1.2-1.8 .409  173.8     11 13 23.4   3 29 11 382.4 763.1
   Fortuna limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  5 21 17.7 and  5 21 18.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Fortuna
26 Apr 20 20 21 25.9 d Leto       12.7 12.7   16+  47  40 78 178  69N  55  60  65 +2.0 -6.3 +1.9+1.5 .368   24.0      5  2 18.6  27 44 12 357.2 698.1
   Leto limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 20 21 25.8 and 20 21 26.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Leto
26 Apr 20 21 35 33.5 r Leto       12.7 12.7   16+  47  26 71 238 -59N 287 244 297 +1.8 -6.3 +1.8-1.5 .375  156.0      5  2 18.6  27 44 12 357.5 711.3
   Leto limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 21 35 33.5 and 21 35 33.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Leto
26 Jul 15 19 50 44.6 d Thetis     13.1 13.1    3+  20  53 64 219  80S 115  83  99 +4.7 -1.6 +1.6-1.3 .429    9.9      9  2 28.6  17 58 59 358.8 758.8
   Thetis limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at 19 50 44.5 and 19 50 44.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Thetis
26 Oct 31 16 28  0   m Ceres       8.4  8.4   64- 106  36 12 291 -12N 358 329  13 +3.0 -2.9 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0      7 36 25.4  23 57 16 367.71119.6
26 Nov 29  7 20  5.8 d Urania     11.5 11.5   71- 115     52 114 -60N  71 124  61 +6.0 -1.0 +1.8+1.8 .340   38.5      9  0 17.6  17 58 24 363.2 764.9
   Urania limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  7 20  5.7 and  7 20  5.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Urania
26 Nov 29  8 19 18.5 r Urania     11.5 11.5   70- 114     62 134  40N 331  12 322 +5.9 -1.0 +1.2-2.4 .327  141.5      9  0 17.6  17 58 24 362.8 736.5
   Urania limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  8 19 18.4 and  8 19 18.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Urania
27 Apr 11 21  7 26   m Ausonia    13.0 13.0   27+  63  30 77 156   4N 352  20   3 -2.0 -5.1 +9.9+9.9 .000   90.0      5 33 32.5  27 30 52 364.9 677.4
27 Jul  8 16 10 48.3 d Hygiea     11.3 11.3   28+  64  67  8  96  81N 106 156  84 +6.8 +4.5 +0.3+0.8 .532   12.9     11 18 32.8   0 41 50 368.8 976.7
   Hygiea limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 16 10 48.1 and 16 10 48.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Hygiea
27 Jul  8 17 10 44.7 r Hygiea     11.3 11.3   29+  65  73 20 106 -70N 315   2 293 +6.8 +4.5 +0.5-0.3 .492  167.2     11 18 32.8   0 41 50 367.8 900.1
   Hygiea limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 17 10 44.5 and 17 10 44.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Hygiea
27 Aug 28 11  2 54.3 d Metis      11.1 11.1   15-  45   3 46  97 -60S 211 187 123 -2.8 -2.2 +1.5-0.6 .394  -30.1      7 24 27.9  23 34 28 358.6 791.1
   Metis limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 11  2 54.2 and 11  2 54.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Metis
27 Aug 28 12 10  1.4 r Metis      11.1 11.1   14-  45  16 59 112  63S 265 305 246 -2.9 -2.2 +1.7+1.7 .365 -149.8      7 24 27.9  23 34 28 357.6 732.4
   Metis limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 12 10  1.3 and 12 10  1.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Metis
27 Sep 22  5 52 56   m Dembowska  10.9 10.9   62- 104     37  85  -6S 177 225 174 -4.6 -5.0 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      4 49  7.4  25 57 58 374.2 882.9
27 Nov 15  2  1 58.8 d Hertha     11.2 11.2   99- 167     41  89 -53S  95 158 111 -3.4 -5.2 +1.1+0.9 .449  -27.3      4  9  5.3  24 51 19 371.3 908.8
   Hertha limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  2  1 58.8 and  2  1 58.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Hertha
27 Nov 15  3  1 11.6 r Hertha     11.2 11.2   99- 166     52 100  72S 209 282 236 -3.5 -5.3 +0.6+2.3 .412 -152.6      4  9  5.3  24 51 19 370.3 834.0
   Hertha limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  3  1 11.6 and  3  1 11.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Hertha
28 Apr 28  2 54 14.0 d Fides      12.3 12.3   11+  39      5 299  23S 190 100 155 -6.0 -3.6 -1.0-2.3 .366  -51.6      5  1  4.0  25  5 36 382.21092.7
   Fides limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  2 54 13.9 and  2 54 14.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Fides
28 May 26 21 39 53.3 d Lutetia    13.1 13.1    8+  32  31 59 250  76N  74  25  76 -4.3 -1.5 +1.9-0.4 .359   30.2      6 34 22.6  24 20  4 369.6 743.8
   Lutetia limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 21 39 53.3 and 21 39 53.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Lutetia
28 May 26 22 44  1.6 r Lutetia    13.1 13.1    8+  32  19 47 264 -43N 310 262 317 -4.5 -1.4 +0.4-2.6 .391  149.6      6 34 22.6  24 20  4 370.3 815.0
   Lutetia limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 22 44  1.5 and 22 44  1.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Lutetia
28 Oct 11 10 29  9.3 d Patientia  12.2 12.2   51-  91 -11 70 151 -14S 197 198 167 -6.5 +0.2 +0.9-6.2 .153  -65.6      7 15 56.7  21 46 13 373.0 673.0
   Patientia limb contacts offset by ±0.4 secs, at 10 29  8.9 and 10 29  9.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Patientia
28 Oct 11 11  6  6.7 r Patientia  12.2 12.2   50-  90  -4 72 177  36S 235 227 218 -6.6 +0.2 +3.5+4.6 .154 -114.4      7 15 56.7  21 46 13 372.8 674.5
   Patientia limb contacts offset by ±0.4 secs, at 11  6  6.3 and 11  6  7.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Patientia
28 Oct 14 10 57  8.9 d Industria  13.2 13.2   18-  51  -6 41 118 -36N 357  97  34 -3.6 +4.7 +2.4+4.8 .185   66.1     10  4 49.6   8  7 57 360.3 798.1
   Industria limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 10 57  8.8 and 10 57  9.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Industria
28 Oct 14 11 26 12.9 r Industria  13.2 13.2   18-  51  -1 45 125  10N 332  47 348 -3.6 +4.8 -0.1-5.2 .180  113.9     10  4 49.6   8  7 57 359.8 776.0
   Industria limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 11 26 12.8 and 11 26 13.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Industria
28 Dec 26 23 11 41.6 d Thisbe     12.0 12.0   78+ 124     57 119  62N  44  91  66 -3.4 -5.7 +1.0+2.3 .364   15.7      2 21 59.0  18 48 59 393.1 721.0
   Thisbe limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 23 11 41.4 and 23 11 41.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Thisbe
28 Dec 27  0 32 28.5 r Thisbe     12.0 12.0   78+ 124     68 153 -86N 260 279 277 -3.6 -5.8 +2.1+0.9 .337  164.7      2 21 59.0  18 48 59 392.3 664.0
   Thisbe limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  0 32 28.3 and  0 32 28.7  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Thisbe
29 Jan 26  8 30 47.9 d Irene      10.7 10.7   82+ 130      8 295  61S 115  64 122 -7.0 -2.5 -0.4-1.5 .555  -17.7      4 59  0.1  24 23 59 385.51088.6
   Irene limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at  8 30 47.8 and  8 30 48.0  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Irene
29 Feb 27  6 36  0.3 d Anahita    12.4 12.4   97+ 159     47 241  87S 104  58  84 -5.5 +4.6 +1.3-1.2 .464   20.8      9 19 34.5  11 48 26 359.6 864.7
   Anahita limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at  6 36  0.3 and  6 36  0.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Anahita
29 Feb 27  7 36 50.5 r Anahita    12.4 12.4   97+ 160     36 254 -46N 345 272 304 -5.5 +4.7 +0.4-2.1 .497  159.2      9 19 34.5  11 48 26 360.3 929.6
   Anahita limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at  7 36 50.4 and  7 36 50.5  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Anahita
29 May 16 21 55 52   m Massalia   11.3 11.3   10+  38  26 59 247 -14S 211 146 196 -6.3 +0.1 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      6 14 33.8  22 52  9 386.7 675.8
29 Aug  7 20 46 43.1 d Nysa       11.6 11.6    6-  29  40 19 281 -55N  48   4  53 -6.4 +2.2 +0.7-0.4 .324   52.0      7 10 53.2  20 46 41 380.6 972.4
   Nysa limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 20 46 43.1 and 20 46 43.2  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Nysa
29 Aug  7 21 22 49.9 r Nysa       11.6 11.6    6-  29  33 13 287  22N 328 289 336 -6.4 +2.3 -0.8-2.6 .342  128.0      7 10 53.2  20 46 41 381.11025.8
   Nysa limb contacts offset by ±0.1 secs, at 21 22 49.8 and 21 22 49.9  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Nysa
29 Sep  5  9 26 23.6 d Interamnia 12.4 12.4   12-  40     20  84 -39N   3 102  36 -5.7 +3.7 -0.1+3.4 .290   54.7      8 18 19.2  16 53 37 375.6 914.3
   Interamnia limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at  9 26 23.4 and  9 26 23.8  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Interamnia
29 Sep  5 10  3 38.4 r Interamnia 12.4 12.4   11-  40  -9 27  90  31N 319  32 327 -5.7 +3.8 +1.1-2.0 .274  125.4      8 18 19.2  16 53 37 374.8 861.6
   Interamnia limb contacts offset by ±0.2 secs, at 10  3 38.2 and 10  3 38.6  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Interamnia
29 Oct 29 15 21 50.0 d Thetis     12.9 12.9   59- 101  32 24 273 -79S 120  58 103 -8.0 +3.9 +0.3-1.7 .493    0.9      7 48  1.1  17 49 32 387.2 926.2
   Thetis limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at 15 21 50.0 and 15 21 50.1  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Thetis
29 Oct 29 16 21 36.4 r Thetis     12.9 12.9   59- 100  36 13 282  79N 289 240 283 -8.0 +4.0 -0.1-1.6 .538  179.1      7 48  1.1  17 49 32 388.21013.3
   Thetis limb contacts offset by ±0.0 secs, at 16 21 36.3 and 16 21 36.4  Both contacts are against the bright limb of Thetis
29 Dec 23  7 25 21   m Hera       12.0 12.0   94- 153     67 191   7S 185 196 195 -5.4 +4.1 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      7 59 25.3  16 58 29 385.0 691.2
   Distance of Hera to Terminator = 1.8"; to 3km sunlit peak = 0.0"
30 Jan 19  2 49 29   m Hera       11.6 11.6  100+ 173     55 118 -30S 179 241 187 -4.5 +3.4 +9.9+9.9 .000  -90.0      7 35 43.6  18 34 29 384.6 723.3

see also