Template:Saturnian satellite syzygies

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  • satellites:
    • 1 = Mimas (Saturn I)
    • 2 = Enceladus (Saturn II)
    • 3 = Tethys (Saturn III)
    • 4 = Dione (Saturn IV)
    • 5 = Rhea (Saturn V)
    • 6 = Titan (Saturn VI)
    • 7 = Hyperion (Saturn VII)
    • 8 = Iapetus (Saturn VIII)
  • event types:
    • A = annular eclipse
    • E = penumbral eclipse
    • P = partial eclipse
    • T = total eclipse
    • Ec = eclipse
    • Oc = occultation
    • Sh = shadow transit
    • Tr = transit
  • event phases:
    • .D = disappearing
    • .E = egressing
    • .I = ingressing
    • .R = reappearing